Ataruz On the News
Rawashdeh, S. (2024, November 14). Uncovering Iron Age cultic structures at Khirbat Ataruz. Jordan Times.
Rawashdeh, S. (2024, November 11). Khirbat Ataruz: Ancient crossroad of religion, trade in Jordan. Jordan Times.
Rawashdeh, S. (2019, August 27). Researchers seek to decipher ancient Moabite inscriptions. The Jordan Times.
Rawashdeh, S. (2019, August 15). Iron Age temple ruins near Madaba shed light on ancient cult practices. The Jordan Times.
Owen, J. (2019, August 27). Biblical war revealed on 2,800-year old stone altar. Fox News.
Gavlak, D. (2010, September 1). 3,000-year-old Iron Age temple unearthed in Jordan. NBC News
Gavlak, D. (2010, September 1). Jordan unearths 3,000-year-old Iron Age Temple. The San Diego Union Tribune
Kellner, M. A. (2010). Adventist archaeological dig yields Iron Age temple. Retrieved from Adventist News Network.
Luck, T. (2010, September 2). 3,000-year-old Moabite temple unearthed near Dhiban. Jordan Times.
Mustafa, A. J. (2010, September 3). Jordan uncovers 3,000-year-old Moabite temple. Arab News.com.
Olson, D. (2010, October 15). La Sierra researcher leads team to major discovery. Press Enterprise.
Tucker, D. M. (2011, Winter). Pieces of the past: La Sierra archaeologist unearths major discovery in Jordan. La Sierra Magazine. 16-19. Retrieved from http://www.lasierra.edu/ fileadmin/documents/3d/lasierramagazine/lsmwinter2011/index.html.
Villeneuve, E. (2014, March-May). Jordanie Khirbet el-Ataruz: Un autel chez le roi Mesha. Le Monde de la Bible, 208 (2), 81.
“Dusty pick unearths the past.” (Photo by Ivan Ji)
Ataruz On the Web
Schade, A. (2022, Fall). Excavating ‘Ataruz, Jordan: Student mentoring and learning. BYU Religious Education Review.
Schade, A. (2019, June 24). 2017 Archaeological excavation – Ataruz, Jordan. Retrieved from Brigham Young University Journal of Undergraduate Research, http://jur.byu.edu/?p=24415.
The Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Washington, D.C. (2019, August 15). Iron Age temple ruins near Madaba shed Light On ancient cult practices.
Tucker, D. M. (2019, December 11). Prof’s temple excavation uncovers rare ancient altar inscription. Retrieved from La Sierra News.
Tucker, D. M. (2019, December 19). Inscription Uncovered in 2010 Keeps Shedding Light on Bible History. Retrieved from Adventist Review.
Tucker, D. M. (2019). Temple excavation uncovers rare ancient altar inscription. La Sierra University Magazine, 10(2), 6-7. Retrieved from https://lasierra.edu/3d/lasierramagazine/lsmfall2019/index.html.
Reinsch, W. & Eames, C. (2019, September 18). Moabite Altar Inscription: Earliest Reference to ‘Hebrews’? Retrieved from Watch Jerusalem.
Ramon, C. (2019, August 27). Biblical War Revealed on 2,800-year-old Stone Altar. Retrieved from Trevino.
Borschel-Dan, A. (2019, August 28). Newly deciphered Moabite inscription may be first use of written word ‘Hebrews.’ Retrieved from The Times of Israel.
Bean A. L., & Rollston, C.R. (2020, July 21). Ataroth and the Inscribed Altar: Who Won the War Between Moab and Israel? Retrieved from The Torah.
Harvey, I. (2019, September 3). 2,800-yr-old Altar Inscription Reveals Evidence of Historical Biblical Battle. Retrieved from The Vintage News.
Breaking News Israel (2019, August 29). Recently Discovered Moabite Altar: Proof of Biblical Battle in Kings 2.
Horn Musuem (2019). Khirbat Ataruz: Omri, Mesha, Temples, and Wars. Horn Archaeological Lectureship Series, November 2019. Retrieved from https://vimeo.com/channels/987210/page:1.
Bates, R. D. (2013). Excavations at ‘Ataruz. The Institute of Archaeology Newsletter, 34(3), 1-2. Retrieved from http://www.andrews.edu/ARCHAEOLOGY/pubs/newsletter.html.
Chitwood, C. (2014, September 3). Heritage fellow’s mysterious find at Khirbat Ataruz. Retrieved from http://asorblog.org/?p=2583.
Rollston, C. A. (2013, December 17). The ninth century “Moabite Pedestal Inscription” from King Mesha’s Ataruz: Preliminary synopsis of an excavated epigraphic text and its biblical connections. Retrieved from http://www.rollstonepigraphy.com/?p=631.
Tucker, D. M. (2011). Pieces of the past. La Sierra University Magazine, 1(1), 16-19. Retrieved from https://lasierra.edu/3d/lasierramagazine/lsmwinter2011/index.html.
European archaeologists visiting Khirbat 'Ataruz as part of their study and research tour, 2010
(Photo by Joon-Hyung Park).